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Set Biped Keys Continuity to Zero, Tiny MaxScript

After many years of being annoyed by this issue, I decided to make a simple 3Ds Max script and it works. Those still animating with Biped like me know that every time you set a new key if needed, you have to manually set the continuity: 3Ds Max doesn’t remember the last value nor allows you to modify the default which is always 25. Going there and dragging the spinner or typing 0 is slow if you have to do it many times.

This tiny macro script does the job: copy and save, or just run the code:

macroScript BipContinuityZero category:"pX Tools"
  idx = getkeyindex $.controller sliderTime
  if idx!=0 then
    bipkey = biped.getkey $.controller idx  
    bipkey.continuity = 0


What I did was assign Ctrl+0 keyboard ShortCut to BipContinuityZero macro. Remember, you’ll find it in “pX Tools” category.

Select the Biped node, position the timeline bar over the key then press Ctrl+0. Done!